
2024 Brenda McGowan Grant Announcement
December 11th, 2023
NERI is offering a $1,000 grant to an individual or team in honor and memory of Brenda McGowan, a NERI supporter and co-founder of the Hubert Prescott Bluebird Recovery Project in 1987...
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2021 Brenda McGowan Grant Awarded
February 1st, 2021
We would like to congratulate Taza Schaming on her successful grant application, Using acoustic monitoring to evaluate Clark’s nutcracker occupancy in whitebark pine in Washington (State). Dr....
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2019 Grants Awarded
December 1st, 2020
The Brenda McGowan Grant was not awarded this year due to technical difficulties.Other financial support was given to:Maria Tosa, Metabarcoding western spotted skunk scatEmily Wolfe, Study of...
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2020 Grants Awarded
December 1st, 2020
This year, two Brenda McGowan Grants were awarded:Scott Hotaling, Trophic interactions between gray-crowned rosy-finch and glacier ice wormJillian Schat, Climate change vulnerabilities of various...
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2018 McGowan Grant Project Report
November 13th, 2019
Native freshwater mussels are a persistently overlooked component of freshwater systems in North America despite the valuable ecosystem services they provide. This trend is especially prevalent in...
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2018 Brenda McGowan Grant Awarded to Laura Johnson
January 29th, 2018
NERI received 16 excellent applications for the first annual 2018 Brenda McGowan Grant, and it was a difficult decision! A wide variety of interesting topics exploring corners and niches of ecology...
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A Tribute to Brenda McGowan
March 10th, 2016
Some sad and some beautiful news arrived at the NERI “office” the other day. In the same letter, I learned that Brenda McGowan had died, and also that she had left a bequest to NERI. Both parts of...
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Neri Project, Hyla Woods, on Oregon Field Guide
September 26th, 2013
Check out this great story on Oregon Field Guide that tells the story of one of our NERI projects, Hyla Woods! A family-run timber company in Oregon’s coast range, Hyla Woods, defines profit...
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